Gillian Oliver has recently moved from Manchester diocese to work here at Church House Communications. In Manchester she was one of the driving forces behind "Back to Church Sunday".
She writes:
On Sunday September 24th 2006 churches around the country will say "hello again" to people who haven't been to church for a while.
There are various reasons why people stop going to church when once it played an important part of their lives.
Back to Church Sunday offers quality resources at subsidised prices so the local church can give an especially warm welcome on one special Sunday of the year.
This year Traidcraft will sponsor Back to Church Sunday by donating thousands of bars of fairtrade chocolate to give away to newcomers.
Revamped website up and running from April 3rd. You can view the range of resources online and read stories from people who came back in 2004 and 2005 in Greater Manchester.
For news about how it worked in Wakefield Diocese: Download MM_Spring_06.pdf