Two upcoming events for urban mission practitioners. Thanks to Andrew Davey for this news.
1. Building a people of power. July 4 in London
Co-sponsored by the Contextual Theology Centre, Shaftesbury Society and the Evangelical Coalition for Urban Mission (ECUM)
This day is a unique opportunity to learn from an urban practitioner, Dr Bob Linthicum, and to learn more about how Jesus intended the church to use power. Dr. Linthicum believes that Jesus never intended the church to become an institution; he intended it to be a people of power, seeking to transform the world.
Power is the capacity, ability, and willingness to act. Most people and systems use that power to dominate and control. But others have used it relationally in order to liberate, transform, and even save.
The day will focus on how Jesus used power relationally and present detailed power strategies that enable the church to build productive relationships, address the primary issues of the people, and develop strong leaders, and redeemed communities.
Dr. Linthicum has been rebuilding poor urban communities since 1955. He has led churches in Chicago and Detroit where he helped form nine community organisations, people-businesses and housing efforts. From 1985 to1995, he headed the urban work of World Vision. Since 1996, he has been the president of Partners in Urban Transformation and is the author of fourteen books, including his most recent book, Building a people of power.
Flyer with contact details is here:
2. Urban Decade. July 6-7 in Manchester
Matt Wilson writes:
I don't know if you're aware of the grass roots movement here in Manchester called 'Eden'. For the last 10 years we've been establishing missional teams who choose to live incarnationally in the city's most challenging neighbourhoods. With a priority on youthwork but a holistic vision that extends to the whole community Eden has made a profound impact. Check out the latest conference we will be hosting on 6-7 July here in Manchester as a way of marking the 10th anniversary of the planting of the first Eden team (there are now 10).
PDF file to download here: