Attached below is a detailed report reviewing the progress of Messy Churches in Lichfield Diocese. This may be of interest to anyone involved in leading Messy Church.
Download Lichfield Diocese Messy Church Discipleship Review August 2013
Paul Moore: Making Disciples in Messy Church: Growing Faith in an All-age Community
David Goodhew: Church Growth in Britain (Ashgate Contemporary Ecclesiology)
Michael Mitton: Dreaming of Home: Homecoming as a Model for Renewal and Mission
Ian Mobsby: God Unknown: The Trinity in Contemporary Spirituality
Tim Sumpter: Evangelistening:Recovering the Art of Listening in Evangelism
Alison Morgan: The Word on the Wind: Renewing Confidence in the Gospel
Nigel Rooms: The Faith of the English: Integrating Christ and culture
Steven Croft: Exploring God's Mercy: Five Images of Salvation
Stephen Verney: Water into Wine: Introduction to John's Gospel
Alan Smith: God-shaped Mission: Theological and Practical Perspectives from the Rural Church
Lesslie Newbigin: The Open Secret: Introduction to the Theology of Mission
Lesslie Newbigin: The Household of God: Lectures on the Nature of Church
Paul Weston (ed): Lesslie Newbigin: Missionary Theologian - A Reader
Graham Cray: Disciples and Citizens: A Vision for Distinctive Living
Stephen Platten: Rebuilding Jerusalem: The Church's Hold on Hearts and Minds
Grace Davie: Europe: the Exceptional Case. Parameters of Faith in the Modern World
The Study of Evangelism: Exploring a Missional Practice of the Church
Walter Brueggemann: Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism: Living in a Three-storied Universe
Steven J.L. Croft: Jesus' People: What the Church Should Do Next
Phyllis Tickle: The Great Emergence: How Christianity is Changing and Why
Steve Hollinghurst: Mission Shaped Evangelism: The Gospel in Contemporary Culture
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